CO2 Monitoring

35 years of control panel manufacture for heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Demand-controlled ventilation with CO2 monitoring

Monitoring CO2 levels in buildings is an essential approach towards sustaining good indoor air quality. Due to recent public health and energy concerns, there is a growing demand with many organisations looking at ways to enhance their ventilation strategy using CO2 sensors.

Hospitality venues, schools, retail businesses and indeed organisations in all sectors are looking at ways to increase ventilation without increasing energy costs. Precise ventilation in crowded and confined spaces will significantly lower the risk of transmitting viruses such as coronavirus and reduce any virus circulation in the air across public buildings. Schools, for example, are now using CO2 monitors to help teachers to regulate the fresh air in their classrooms.

At low levels, CO2 can cause loss of concentration, drowsiness and headaches. Typically, CO2 levels should be less than 1,000ppm, although guidance varies depending on the circumstances.

Keeping this in mind, Sarum Electronics supplies CO2 sensors that can be pre-set to trigger at 1,000 ppm. They also allow for boosted background ventilation, if the CO2 goes above the fixed concentration. Our sensors create extra ventilation that both dilutes the CO2 levels and the presence of any other harmful gases or airborne infections.

Bespoke CO2 Sensors for your building

CO2 monitoring is not just about air quality. It can also achieve significant energy savings as it increases the operating efficiency of a building. This includes reducing electricity costs and more importantly, energy waste.

Applying CO2 sensors gives facility managers an insight into demand-controlled ventilation. This enables a HVAC system to adjust the ventilation in each room automatically based on the current CO2 levels.

In full awareness of the increasing energy prices, we also offer sensors with 0-10V signals that indicate the level of CO2. These sensors can be installed in both ducts and rooms. The 0-10V signal directly controls the speed of supply & extract EC fans and can be used by the Sarum Electronics control panel, to regulate fan speeds and adjust other HVAC controls.

All our sensors are usually 24V devices that can be supplied from a power supply in the control panel. The added benefit of low voltage wiring being installed between the cable and sensor is also included.

For more information on Sarum’s CO2 monitoring solutions and how we can assist with your current or upcoming project, speak to our team on 01258 480802 or at